"The Andersons of Candacraig" 1581-1985 Published by Mabel Manz |
The Anderson genealogical data and information on the Anderson Candacraig
heritage contained herein originates from a very comprehensive work
published in 1985 by Mabel Anderson Manz:
Library of Congress Primary research (Scotland and Canada) was done by Elinor Anderson Gaines, with information on Canadian lines gathered by Sherry Streeton Anderson and Mary Munro Welsh. We owe an incredible debt of gratitude to these women for their years of hard work that has left our extended family with a solid connection to our past and to each other. From the preface:
There is apparently in many of us something that wants to know who we are and where we came from. Will Durant in The Story of Civilization reminds us, "Let us, before we die, gather up our heritage and offer it to our children." We think it is fitting that the memories of those who have gone before us are preserved in this way, and we hope that by knowing them we may understand ourselves better. |